Our Online Bidding Platform

A well designed and easy to use bidding platform.

All security and privacy protocols are in place so as to ensure our customer’s peace of mind.

We are always looking to improve our customer’s bidding experience and will continuously search for ways to upgrade our bidding platform to maximize customer satisfaction.


The platform uses a username and password authentication for all users. This is done via an encrypted SSL connection, with the password being stored on a secure/private database as a salted and hashed value (one directional encrypted password can be validated against the system, however, cannot be restored/viewed).

Once a user has been successfully authenticated they are provided with an access token that is bound to their IP address as well as browser session, for consecutive requests (ajax and etc.)

All endpoints to do with auction require a valid token that has not expired which is done across an SSL connection (tokens do expire after 30 minutes).


The system allows Cross-Origin Resource Sharing but prevents insecure access due to the token mechanism being bound to a browser session.

The system prevents SQL injection by design (database access has been abstracted and coding practices during development avoid help and avoid any such risk).


Access control is maintained over premises and computer equipment at the development house and the access control to the server is maintained by Hetzner.


All bidding information is readily available.
The program will assist the Seller in making educated decisions regarding the sale of production.
The utilization of historic information in unique ways will allow sellers to optimize decision making.
View Seller Reports Example


Privacy is key.
Total secure and tamper-proof bidding platform combined with TRUST in personnel.
Gives buyers peace of mind during the bidding process and subsequent results.
View Buyers Reports Example